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HomeHelmet MaintainanceGuide on Helmet Maintenance: How to Care for and Clean Your Cycling Helmet?

Guide on Helmet Maintenance: How to Care for and Clean Your Cycling Helmet?


You may not have thought about it yet but your helmet is one of the most important things in your life! Your helmet is responsible for protecting you from all sorts of weather conditions and, more importantly, could potentially save your life in the event of an accident. You might have bought the cycling helmets at Huacesports, but to ensure that the helmet does its job you can’t miss out regular maintenance and keep it clean and scratch free.


In this post, we've put a step-by-step guide to help you keep your helmet in top condition for as long as possible. By following these tips, you can rest assured that your helmet will be ready to protect you whenever you hit the road!


Why is Cycling Helmet Maintenance Important?


Cycling helmets, just like any other piece of equipment, require proper care and maintenance. Over time, sweat, dirt, and grime can accumulate and breed bacteria, leading to a smelly helmet and potential skin irritations. More critically, a neglected helmet may develop structural issues, compromising its integrity and effectiveness. Regular cleaning and inspections are key to ensuring your helmet remains a reliable safety device.


Helmet maintenance is important for several reasons:


Safety: A well-maintained helmet is more effective in protecting the head from impact. Minor scratches, dents, or cracks can weaken the structure of the helmet and can compromise its ability to shield the head from injury in the event of an accident.


Comfort: Improperly maintained helmets can become uncomfortable to wear due to sweat, odor, or excessive dirt. Cleaning and maintaining the helmet's interior can help regulate the temperature and keep it fresh-smelling.


Hygiene: Regular helmet maintenance can help prevent the build-up of bacteria that can cause skin infections and other health problems.


Durability: Regular maintenance can help prolong the life of the helmet. Cleaning the interior and exterior of the helmet can prevent dirt, grime, and sweat from damaging the materials and the helmet's overall integrity.


Clean Your Helmet Properly


It's important to keep your helmet clean and hygienic to get rid of any dirt, sweat, or bacteria that can collect on it. You can easily clean your helmet using a gentle soap, warm water, and a soft cloth or sponge. Regular cleaning is absolutely essential to maintain your helmet's integrity and effectiveness.


We can distinguish two main aspects when maintaining the helmet: the outer shell and visor and the interiors.


Materials Required:


  • clean, lukewarm water
  • soft, non-abrasive cloth (microfiber or chamois)
  • detergent with softening


Dissection Before the Cleaning


Before we wash the bike helmet thoroughly, the first thing we need to do is to remove all the removable parts respectively.


To start cleaning your helmet, it's important to take note of where everything goes and remove any external components that can be unscrewed. Be careful not to remove anything that is stuck in place.


Once you've removed as many external components as possible, it's time to remove the internal lining. If your helmet doesn't have a removable lining, don't worry. Sometimes, areas like the cheek pads have a lining over a foam pad that can also be removed. Once you've taken apart your helmet, it's time to get washing and give it a thorough clean.



Cleaning the Outer Shell and Visor


A helmet's outer shell, including its visor, is regularly exposed to harsh conditions. Therefore, appropriate and regular cleaning is crucial to prolong its lifespan and maintain comfort during rides. Note that care methods differ for glossy and matte helmets, so choose your cleaning products wisely.


Though the outer shell is sturdier than the visor, it can still be damaged by improper cleaning. So, it's recommended to detach the visor during cleaning to prevent soiling it.


Step-by-step cleaning guide:


  • Always use a soft, non-abrasive cloth, such as a microfiber or chamois, to avoid scratching the helmet's surface.
  • For stubborn bug stains, gently apply a moist cloth on the spot for about 20 minutes to soften them before wiping.
  • Use mildwater solution and the chosen cloth. Clean with a circular motion, ensuring every area is cleaned.
  • Rinse the helmet thoroughly with clean water and let it air dry naturally.




  1. Avoid using a large amount of harsh cleaning compounds on your helmet. They could potentially damage the painted surface or reduce its glossiness. Instead, use them sparingly for tasks like scratch removal.
  2. If you observe any peeling at the helmet's base, refrain from applying adhesive yourself. Instead, consult with a helmet repair expert.




  1. It's advisable to clean your helmet regularly to maintain optimal hygiene and performance.


Keep the Visor Scratch-Free


Keeping your helmet visor crystal clear is extremely important for your safety while riding. You want to make sure you have optimal visibility on the road. So, to avoid scratches on your visor, refrain from touching or wiping it with any rough materials.


The best way to clean it is to use a soft microfiber cloth and a mild non-abrasive cleaning solution. Always wipe it gently in one direction to prevent swirl marks and scratches. Additionally, storing your helmet in a protective case when not in use is a great way to prevent accidental damage and scratches. Maintaining your helmet visor with regular and careful cleaning will not only increase its lifespan, but also ensure a clear vision on all of your rides.


The visor is one of the most important parts of a helmet and should therefore also receive the maintenance it deserves. First things first: never wipe the visor with a paper towel. Always use a microfibre towel to prevent it from being scratched.




  1. Avoid using cleaners, including window cleaning fluid, on your visor to prevent potential damage. Warm water is the best cleaning solution.
  2. Refrain from using petroleum-based products as they can degrade plastic. When choosing a home detergent, opt for neutral ones instead of acidic or alkaline detergents, including glass cleaners. Cracks in plastic parts can result from the use of organic cleaning agents.
  3. A scratched shield can impair visibility due to rain or light reflection. It's advisable to replace it promptly. Other replacement parts are also available; for assistance, contact our local distributor.




  1. Please use tooth brush or cotton swab for small components like ventilation.
  2. For other parts, if the functions of parts do not work smoothly, apply silicone a little after cleaning.


Cleaning the Interiors


If you use a lot of hair products, it mixes with the sweat and dust and creates a gunk that smells over time. It also makes the helmet unhygienic. Ideally, you must do a deep cleansing of your bike helmets every week if you use it frequently.


Helmets come with two different configurations - some of them are completely removable while others cannot be removed. If it can be removed, the cleaning process is very easy with just about 30 minutes. If some parts cannot be removed, then dip the entire helmet in a big bucket of foam.


For Removable Liner


The inner liner of a helmet is in constant contact with your skin and absorbs sweat, leading to a buildup of odor over time. It's important to take special care when cleaning the liner to ensure it doesn't degrade prematurely. Only hand-wash the liner to preserve its integrity. If the liner becomes significantly worn or damaged, consider replacing it.


Step-by-step cleaning guide:


  • Use a gentle laundry detergent, preferably one with fabric softener included.
  • Carefully massage the detergent into the liner, being mindful not to be overly aggressive or to damage the foam padding.
  • Rinse thoroughly with clean water to remove all traces of detergent.





  • Regular maintenance can keep the helmet for long use and help you with early detection on the damage or trouble. If finding any damage or trouble, please repair it as soon as possible or contact us.


  • The longevity of your helmet's inner liner depends on how well you care for it. It's a critical part of your helmet and warrants careful cleaning to ensure comfort and hygiene.


For Fixed Interiors


Dealing with fixed interior helmets presents unique challenges in maintenance. These helmets cannot be disassembled, making cleaning them a delicate task. But with proper techniques, you can effectively maintain cleanliness and functionality of your fixed interior helmet.


Step-by-step cleaning guide:


  1. Please wipe fixed interiors using neutral detergent mixed with water.
  2. If they are stained extremely, tap them by cloth soaked into cold or warm water with neutral detergent or baby shampoo.
  3. Allow the helmet to soak in for at least 15 to 20 minutes and then using your fingers remove the grime gently.



Reassembly After the Cleaning


Reassembling your helmet post-cleaning is a crucial step. This can be trick as it’s always easier to take apart than put back together. But take your time, always refer to the manufacturer's guidelines or your own pre-disassembly photos, and if you get really stuck then you can seek for assistance from the internet.


Start by placing the thoroughly dried liner back into the helmet, ensuring it fits perfectly without any distortions or bunching. Next, reinsert the cheek pads, positioning them correctly from back to front. Check the overall interior structure to ensure all parts are properly aligned and fitted snugly.


Dry Your Helmet Thoroughly


Preserving a clean, fresh helmet is vital for hygiene and comfort. Nonetheless, it's equally critical to ensure the helmet is entirely dry before reusing it to ensure maximum safety.


Materials Required:


  • soft, absorbent cloth (for wiping)
  • breathable fabric bag (for wrapping the helmet)


To correctly dry your helmet, follow these steps:


  • Use a soft cloth to blot any residual water after cleaning.
  • Wrap the helmet in a breathable fabric bag to aid in the drying process.
  • Place the helmet in a well-ventilated area to air dry naturally. Avoid direct sunlight and heated locations like radiators or heaters, as these could warp or damage the helmet.
  • The drying process can take a few days. Make sure to check the lining and ensure it's completely dry before reassembling the helmet.




Never use a hairdryer or any other direct heat source to dry your helmet, as it can melt the protective layers and compromise its safety features. Simply allow air circulation to achieve a natural drying process. This method will ensure your helmet remains visually appealing and hygienically clean while providing optimal safety.


Ultimate Tips on Maintaining Your Helmet


Proper storage and maintenance of your helmet is key for its longevity and function. Store your helmet in a cool, dry location away from sunlight, moisture, and extreme temperatures when not in use. Hanging your helmet on handlebars or pedals can jeopardize its structure, hence it's best avoided.


As for helmet care, Huace Sports provides some tips for maintaining your helmet in optimal condition:


  1. Avoid placing your gloves inside your helmet. Your gloves may have dead flies from the front of your bike, and that's not hygienic.
  2. Use warm water with a bit of dish soap or a helmet-specific cleaner to wash the exterior shell of your helmet. Furniture polish may get trapped in crevices and potentially damage the helmet.
  3. To deal with stubborn, dried-on insects, dampen a piece of kitchen paper with water and place it on the helmet for a few minutes. This softens the insect bodies, making them easier to wipe off.
  4. Protect your helmet by storing it in its bag when not in use. If you're storing it on a shelf, ensure it's securely placed and won't accidentally topple over.
  5. Regularly clean both sides of your visor after removing it from the helmet. You'll be surprised how much grime accumulates on the inside!
  6. Apply silicone sparingly to the visor mechanism to keep its operation smooth.
  7. Don't take visor alignment for granted. Check and adjust it as needed to prevent air from seeping in.
  8. If you use a dark visor, always keep a clear one in your bag in case you return later than expected.
  9. Never put away a wet helmet. Allow it to air-dry upside down so any sweat can naturally evaporate.
  10. Avoid placing your helmet on your bike's mirror or seat. One day, it might fall off, leading to unnecessary frustration and potentially costly damage.


Final Thought


Remember, maintaining a clean helmet is not just about aesthetics; it is part of essential gear maintenance for safety and performance. Ensuring its longevity and efficacy requires a disciplined approach to care and maintenance. By thoroughly drying your helmet after cleaning and storing it carefully, you are not only prolonging its life but also ensuring your safety on every ride. The impact of these efforts cannot be overstated, as maintaining your helmet in prime condition can mean the difference between a minor incident and a major injury.


We hope this guide offered by Huacesports serves as a valuable resource in your routine helmet maintenance, and encourages you to approach helmet care with the attention and consistency it deserves. We'll ensure that your helmet is fresh, clean, and ready for the next adventure!




How often should I clean my bike helmet?


Match your helmet-washing routine with how much you ride and perspire. If you sweat buckets or ride day in, day out, it's a good idea to give your helmet's pads and liners a thorough cleaning once a week. Air-drying after each ride will also help keep smells at bay until laundry day.


Can dirty helmet cause acne? And how to prevent helmet acne?


Anywhere the equipment rubs, acne can appear. The first sign that you may have acne mechanica is small, rough-feeling bumps that you can feel more easily than see. These may appear where a chin strap, helmet, or other piece of equipment rubs. "Acne caused by a bike helmet is known as a follicular occlusion type of acne," says Zeichner. "It's the kind where your pores are blocked by the helmet and the oil, sweat, and dirt that accumulate beneath it."


To prevent Helmet Acne, it's important to keep helmets and other equipment clean and free of bacteria. Helmet & Pad by Matguard disinfectant wipes are an effective solution for killing bacteria, viruses, and fungi on all types of equipment.


Why is my helmet so itchy?


Given how often you wear and sweat in your motorcycle helmet, it is important to keep it clean and free from bacteria. Based on the Gear Heads Motorcycles guide, the lining of your helmet can actually absorb sweat and cause bacteria to breed in the warm, sweaty conditions. That could be what is cause the itchy scalp.


Can dirty helmet cause dandruff?


Helmets restrict air flow that aggravates sweating and ultimately causes dandruff and hair fall. Traction Alopecia is a hair loss condition that happens mostly because of wrong helmet use. It is, therefore, essential to use a helmet correctly to ensure safety and good hair health.


Do helmets contribute to hair loss?


While essential equipment, helmets can also cause damage to hair. It may not surprise you to learn that, wearing helmets or hats over extended periods, and repeatedly putting them on and taking them off, can contribute to hair loss. The condition is called, “Traction Alopecia,” which refers to force applied to hair.






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